Saturday, December 20, 2008

Thanks Aunt Kris!

I have worried about posting this today in fear that I might end up on Kara's Blog questioning my parenting tactics. So please be kind Kara. All three kids love to get the mail in fact it usually results in one of them crying each day but today the mail man brought it up to the door and had a long box that was wrapped. It was from Aunt Kris and Uncle Dan and the kids were going crazy over it. I convinced Niki it would be better to let them open it now so that on Christmas day all of the presents don't become one big mass that the kids don't appreciate who has has given them the gift. As you can see from the pictures they love the dress up clothes. My favorite is Anna she thinks she is a super hero and she is flexing her muscles. Thanks Aunt Kris!!!!


Kara said...

You don't have to worry about me questioning your parenting tactics. In fact, on this one, I would have to agree. You do feel bad when kids are overloaded with presents and they can't show appreciation for what they are getting. I love the twins' haircuts.

Jaime said...

Love the dress up's, I can't get over how happy their cute little faces are?

Unknown said...

Wow! The girls look great bedazzled. I don't think there is a such thing as too many sequins.


Sara said...

Greg Wieland! How the heck are you?! Long time no see. You should post more family photos. How are all the Wielands doing? Does Mel have a blog? (or email address?) I've wondered what you all were up to over the years. Tell your parents hi too! Drop me a line!
or my blog -

good to 'see' ya!
your girls are so cute. how fun to have twins, too :)

Sara (Packham)